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Tuesday, February 18, 2014


By Doris Meghji Tues, February 18, 2014

The need of the integration of ICT in education focusing on mathematics and science subjects literate teachers is highly needed to Tanzania Secondary schools on today’s world of science and technology has been advised.

The advice have given yesterday with Mr. Benjamin Bussu the program coordinator of training during the opening of the ICT training program for secondary school teachers, held at Open University of Tanzanian Singida Centre for 13 participants’ teachers from Arusha, Manyara and Singida

According to Mr. Bussu few participation of the secondary school teachers on the training of ICT integration education which focus on Mathematics and science subjects let down the efforts made by Tanzania government, OUT and the African Virtual University who sponsored the ICT training program for secondary teachers aiming to improving and enable to integrate ICT knowledge and skills with science subjects, have been reported. 

Benjamin Bussu, said that the ICT training program for secondary school teachers facilitate by African Virtual University, in collaboration with Open University of Tanzania and TAMISEMI pointed the finger to district and municipal directors for not allowing their teachers to attend to the ICT training programmed held at OUT Singida Centre.

‘In this training in OUT Singida centre supposed to have 24 participants’ teachers ,only 13 attended to this training this is the challenge we face, most of district council directors complains  on financial deficit, despite of worthiness  and  the efforts  of the training is to secondary school teachers’.  Said Mr. Bussu

However Bussu wanted the teachers participated on that training to take ICT as help for this world of science and technology especially for teachers it will assist on getting a lot of materials on preparing notes instead of using the old methods they used on preparing their lesson scheme.

In this training program 300 secondary schools teachers supposed to be trained whereby AVU agree to pay 300 USD for tuition fees of each teacher participate in this program countrywide only 138 teacher have been allowed to attend to this training program due to carelessness at district level countrywide
Whereby TAMISEMI agreed to pay the accommodation and transport allowance through the local government to the teachers attended to that program while the Open University of Tanzania providing the ICT laboratories and facilitator in the regional centre available in Tanzania.

Elaborating on it, Benjamin Bussu pointed the finger to district and municipal council directors for not allowing their secondary school teacher to attend to this ICT training by complaining on financial deficit on their councils.emphasized Mr. Bussu 

On the other hand the Director of Open University Of Tanzania Singida center Dr. Mbaraka Msangi emphasized on the use of integration ICT will be the help for future development and world competitions economically, socially and politically.

 He said ‘we all aware of high speed in breaking through in science and technology globally, recently about a month ago one daily news paper pointed out that we have about only 2,600 science teachers in the country this show how the situations is, therefore this ICT training program is one of the government efforts on taking all possible measures aimed at revising this unpleasant trend in country.   

In the side of the District Education officer for Singida district council Mr. Voster Mgina said that the ICT training program will be meaningful if the teacher could make use of it as the fruitful of them and other stakeholders, when advised them to use right opportunity of having that training during opening remarks of ICT training at Singida OUT centre. 

“the knowledge you get here you need to share with other teachers most of schools don’t have  ICT in yours schools.  having this training is a nice thing in these days, using ICT integration one teacher could   teach three classrooms at a time, without ICT you can’t. Said Mr. Mgina on emphasizing the importance of that training to them.

Also DEO Mgina appreciate the African Virtual University,TAMISEMI and OUT for sponsored that training program for building the capacity  of the Secondary schools teachers of Singida region  and Tanzania in general

That ICT training will be conducted for fourteen days whereby basic skills and ICT integration focusing particularly on mathematics and science subjects will be trained at Singida OUT centre.

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